The UE4 WeaponSysBase Plugin
provides you with many base classes and features to quickly and easily creating and implementing your own weapon system for your Unreal Engine Game
The “Weapon System Base” provides you with some very basic and useful classes and features to create your own Weapon System for a UE4 game. You’ll find base classes for WeaponTypes, Weapons, Projectiles as well as hitable character and actor base classes, a floatable healthbar and also a dissolving material that you can use to destroy an actor on death. Just derive from the base classes and adjust the settings like Damage-Factor, Projectile-Speed, Ammo Count in inventory, Ammo Count in Clip, Clip Size, Firing Sound, Impact Sound, Impact Particle Effect, etc … I strongly recommend you to download the sample project at “” to see how the Weapon System works and is implemented in a real game project.
Installation and Configuration
- Download the Plugin from GitHub - UE4_WeaponSystemPlugin - source code or the EPIC Marketplace - binary plugin and install it to your Engine or your new Project.
Use in your own projects
Credits and licensing
The UE WeaponSysBasePlugin is released under the Unreal® Engine End User License Agreement For Publishing. Please make sure to read through the license agreement before releasing your projects using the WeaponSysBasePlugin. Credits and references to the author are highly appreciated - thank you!